You probably know that M-Position® means the healthy and comfortable squat-splay position for your baby (or sit-squat position, as the medical profession calls it*). But did you know that the term M-position was invented by manduca?

Special darts in the bottom area for a good M position
Why the squat spread posture is also called M-Position®.
The squat-and-spread position is the natural position that a newborn baby automatically assumes when you pick it up: it automatically squats its little legs – like a monkey – and thus prepares itself to be carried. Some call this the frog position. But because the bottom, the feet and the knees form such a big M, we have called this posture M-position. Short and catchy, this term simply sums up the correct orthopaedic posture when carrying a baby. M as in manduca.

Why the M-Position® is so healthy
Every child is born with an immature hip, even a perfectly healthy hip is immature and needs to mature. (Incidentally, hip maturation is not complete until puberty!) The time until babies can stand or walk is crucial for healthy hip development: Until then, babies should be carried in an optimal position.
Carrying in the M-position is so healthy because in this position your baby’s hips tilt slightly forward and the back is nicely rounded. This orthopaedically correct position supports healthy hip development and is therefore also recommended by paediatricians and orthopaedists.
The advantage of the manduca: With the manduca you can carry your baby in the M-position right from the start – and in all carrying positions: on the stomach, on the back and on the hips. This is ensured by the well thought-out cut and in particular the special darts in the bottom area. And even newborns can comfortably squat their legs in front of the body thanks to the integrated seat reducer or Size-It.

What is important when carrying in the M-Position®?
For a good M-position, the manduca must of course be adjusted correctly and individually for you and your child. Here are a few tips to ensure that your baby can always assume the M-position in a relaxed manner. This is a comfortable and ergonomically correct position for your baby:
- Always let your baby’s bottom slide deep into the manduca. The knees should be at navel level. If necessary, you can use the knee grip to adjust the position: Grasp the backs of both of your baby’s knees and squat his knees a little more. This will make the back round nicely.
- The bar should reach from the back of the knee to the back of the knee and the legs should not be forced into a split or over-spread. (It is different when carrying with a seat reducer: here the newborn’s legs remain in the carrier and grow out over time. See the manduca instructions for use).
- Your baby should always lie close to your body and be supported all around. You can test whether it is too loose by leaning forward slightly. Your baby should not fall away from you.
By the way, thanks to the manduca, your comfort is also ensured when carrying your baby, because the soft shoulder straps and the anatomically shaped hip belt distribute the baby’s weight optimally.
*For the medical profession, it’s the tucking in that’s important, not the spreading.