Instructions are a subject in themselves, precisely because they often cause a lot of unintentional joy. But when it comes to safety, instructions for use are a very basic and (vitally) important matter. Here, it is the be-all and end-all to present important things as briefly as possible, but as detailed as necessary in words and pictures. And that is exactly what we have done with the new instructions for the manduca baby carrier.

Everything important at a glance
Whether tummy, back or hip carrier – each carrying method is presented in detail and clearly in words and pictures in the new instructions:

All the info always there for you: online guide
You can now download the instructions from our website as a PDF – in many European languages if you like! Thanks to the DIN A4 format, you can also print out individual pages.
So far we have prepared eight languages in the new design: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish and Hungarian. And of course there will be more – we are already working on many other European languages! So don’t worry if the language you are looking for is not there – maybe it will be next week. The printed DIN-A4 brochure will probably be available from the beginning of 2014 – then the new instructions in German, English, French, Spanish, Italian and Dutch will always be in every manduca box.
So, take a look at your manduca manual.
If you still have questions about using your manduca baby carrier, you can find more help under Our Service.
Or you can contact us directly. We will help you!
And if you notice a mistake in the instructions or have a good idea for an addition – just let us know! After all, you give us the best tips on how we can always make our products a little better!